Monday, November 20, 2006

Rolling Stone Eat Your Heart Out

So after deciphering the title you've made it here. Congrats. No I'm not being pretentious with it, I just like big words. Having an extensive vocabulary is not a bad thing, unless you're one of these "emo" (Emotional is not how I'd like to describe them. Whiny is more like it.)bands who tried to come off as tortured artists. That's right, first paragraph in and I'm already bringing out them fighting words. That's how I roll.

This is going to be my music blog. I'm sarcastic, acerbic, and a tad eccentric. I'm not expecting you to like what I say, or even agree with how I call it. I won't be hurt or upset if you do not like me. I write to become a better writer, so I'm holding no claims to literary brilliance here. You have now been duly warned.

I guess I should introduce myself:

My name is Laura. I work in music, or rather music sales. I have a plethora of tales I could tell you about my experiences in this field, and I shan't because well you know I want to keep my job. This blog is going to be a cornucopia of store hi-jinks, musical reviews, band slashing, and general sarcasm. I may even throw in some concert tales of wonder. I wish my life were like that of Empire Records, but alas I live in the real world of dead beat Kevin Federline fans (Yes Virginia, they do exist. Those crazy cult freaks and all.).

Yes, I do have an impressive music collection, but that doesn't prove anything. A freak with a credit card could have the same. My job affords me the ability to fulfill an unhealthy musical obsession. As I tend to tell my customers: try working here. You try being surrounded by it all day long and not get engulfed by it. I have run out of storage space for my collection.

I am not even going to attempt to list my music tastes. Too broad and diverse to even touch the surface. Listing off obscure, rarely-heard of bands is going to nothing but prove myself to be a prat, which is not my intent. I like what I like, and that is all I have to say on the matter.

And thus ends my innagural post. Hope you keep reading!

And the beat goes on......

Musical Stylings of the post: Empty Sky-Elton John
Musical Purchase of the Week: Yusuf (Cat Stevens)


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