Thursday, October 02, 2008

Today's episode...

As a student of religion this amused me to no end. Especially as an atheist.


Blogger John said...

Least I could do has never I repeat never made a comic about religion that was even remotely humorous.

South Park and Penny-arcade have both done pieces based on religion
that are clever, witty, and in my opinion far superior.

While Least I could do seems to take the stance of "You believe in God...Ha Ha!" The creator seriously needs to stick with geek/sex jokes because I just groan every time he gets on his soap box about Christianity.

A prime example of crap:

My sides are splitting it's just soooo funnny!!!

October 7, 2008 at 3:24 PM  
Blogger Matsie said...

My amusement came from the level of idiocy though. It never ceases to amaze me how even the most basic jabs at religion are considered amusing. Sohmer isn't professing a great comedic skill though.

I agree that South Park and Penny Arcade have done much much much better work on the subject. They are also actively trying to be more than blue collar humour, so at times I find it pointless to begin comparing.

And the day I linked the website was the same day of your link hence my student of religion addage.

It's easy to groan when people get on the soap box about Christianity because it happens so often.

October 7, 2008 at 3:37 PM  

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