Tuesday, June 19, 2007

They say something that I don't want to hear

I have a confession to make: I like the band Lit....I'll wait while you finish laughing. Seriously I do like them. They're not all that spectacular, lyrically inspired, or even that musically gifted. They consistently rock hard (I am generalizing on this of course), and they can write catchy hooks with the best of them. While they are no Weezer, they atleast were a bit better than Blink 182 (and all subsequent side projects). Of course songs like "Miserable" played to the angsty teens who weren't willing to convert to the long-passed grunge and alternative scene. Granted by this point, most of these bands had disbanded, or merely grown up. Chris Cornell had bounded off into solo glory and had not yet started the bastard RATM child formerly known as Audioslave. Of course I don't mean to include Pearl Jam in this list. We all still love you. You will never die!!!! But I digress.

Lit's first major album was mediocre I will admit that. They garnered attention by walking all over Pamela Anderson ... ( I wonder how many google hits I will get for saying that??). After that, they kind of faded into the musical background, put out another album (Atomic), split from RCA, and then self-produced/self-titled their last album (circa 2004), which deepened their sound, and added a little more seriousness to the lyrics, still undeniably Lit though.

While I don't listen to them often, I do adore them, and for that you may laugh at me. But just remember, some day I will find all of your embarassing music likes and shall mock you endlessly. You've been warned.

Let's have another drink
Waste time with me
We're happy in the meantime
"Happy in the Meantime"--- the only thing I don't like about this song, is that it rips off Green Day's Time of your Life (Good Riddance) string section.


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