Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What will you do about it?

Something in me hates it when bands get political. I'm not adverse to musicians having political opinions, or even voicing them, but what I take issue with is when their music is politically tinged. I honestly do not know why it bothers me so, because I often enjoy some bands that have political (I will fully admit I adored the Disturbed song 10,000 Fists) songs. I think perhaps I equate the political music with the political statements the bands (or certain members) make to accompany them. Or maybe because when I witness political bands I just cringe because I know what rampant stupidity and self-indulgent bullshit is sure to follow. Or maybe because I've been inundated with FAR TOO MANY anti-American songs as of late. I'm not one for saturation that's for sure. Come on folks, I'm as opposed to the political machinations of the current U.S. government, but I have the wisdom to not write trite, obvious musical treatises against it. I just write angry blog posts about those who do.

Is it just me, or are many bands in this day and age political for the sake of being political? I don't mean bands that have been deeply political from the get go (I look in your direction RATM), but rather bands that in the aftermath of what has been the last 7 1/2 years of Bushmania latched on to the landslide of political music. I have a hard time believing that all these musicians are deeply political, but rather recognize an ample opportunity when there is one. Has anyone else noticed how being political now has a certain degree of credibility? It is as if bands are sitting down and going " Well if we write some anti-government songs, we can cash in on all these disillusioned youth, and make us some mad cash!" I wonder if I could start writing anti-political music, and they claim grand vision and change the face of music. Now if only I knew how to write music, or had a musically creative bone in my body.

Though I was never a fan of RATM, I can respect their political tinges for they seemed genuine. I mean look at Morello for gosh sakes. My hat is tipped to you sir.

This abbreviated rant brought on by a recent article in Revolver on Disturbed in Kuwait. Draiman.... find something else to latch on to, please?


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