Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If I could turn back time

I started to write this blog post much in the same way I would write my facebook status, then proceeded to smack myself on the desk. The Internet is amazing some days. I fear for the language skills of future generations. Sure they will have to have bionic thumbs implanted to handle their impressive texting skills, but they will still be unable to write without the pseudo l33t speak and fail to differentiate between its and it's. I miss Dawson's Creek. Despite the complete unbelievability of the words that came out of their 15 yo mouths, at least they were words that the Oxford dictionary could look at and say " well that is sure a word. Pip pip!" I miss the pip piping. And Gram's dirty looks. And Pacey. Lord I miss my dose of Pacey. Grown up Josh just isn't the same

I am sitting here listening to an Icelandic classical radio station. They are finally redeeming themselves after the Sugarcubes and Sigur Ros. Thank you Internet radio.

In other news I'm actually sitting down and writing more of my final paper. Nearly at ten pages now. Ten pages of intermittent coherency and rambling thoughts on atheist left wingery and religious right wingbats. If I can get 20 pages, I am really going to be shocked. It feels like the last week before summer vacation, where you know you've passed so you're all " Screw this, siesta time brain!". I had a teaching in high school who concurred with that thought, and in my last semester he only counted me absent 1 out of every 4 times I skipped ( I ended up with an A+ in the class, if that was what you were thinking). Good times, good times.

With that I bid you farewell. Writing for grades to commence.


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