Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm riding on this dark horse baby

Maybe I am jaded, or just a curmudgeon, but is it just me or is American Idol redundant? It is in its 7th season now, and out of the hundreds of people that have appeared on the show over the years, only 4 have had relative success. Of those four half didn't even win (Aiken and Daughtry, and Aiken doesn't count since he really was made for a different music market). Even this season there is a girl who has already failed once at a recording deal, and the research team failed to pick up on this?

Are they really idols for the American public? What have they done aside from auditioning and competing? It's not like they've struggled for 20 years to make it here, half of them just auditioned at the mall. There is nothing to idolize in them. Hell I idolize women who go through birth more, and in a sense many of them just had sex to get to the birth part. Furthermore, shouldn't the first season have found the true American Idol? Kelly Clarkson did do well for herself, minus the last album. Not having listened to any of her albums I cannot speak on the quality of the music, but she seems to be a decent singer.

Am I the only one who finds it even remotely amusing that in recent months that many of the AI contestants have been dropped from their labels..... YOU DON"T SAY?!? Come on folks, do we expect record labels to hang on to artists that are not selling? I should be going up to the labels that signed on Fantasia/Ruben/all the others whose names I cannot recall and ask them what they were thinking. I would love to point out that the American music public is a fickle fickle mistress, and that shoving money at a fad is only a temporary solution. This is also the same group of people who gave William Hung a contract!!! Once again, here it is... COME ON!!!

I'm not going to touch on the issue Canadian Idol today, aside from the fact that is just a sounding board for washed up Canadian music talent (Dave Moffat, some dude from McMaster and James), along with alcoholic and statutory rapist judges..... You think I jest....

I'm going to channel Randy Jackson now..... Yo dawg, get you some skills! Lie back and give birth and then maybe you'll get my admiration. Or at the very least learn how to sing and dance......



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