Monday, May 19, 2008

A by-product of the Me Generation

Over the past few months there have been an increased number of deaths linked with listening to mp3 players. These include the recent death of a student in B.C. by helicopter crash because he didn't hear it coming. Or the individual who died in Grimsby while playing by train tracks (I think we can all guess how this ended). This saddens me to no end because it is so easily avoided.

The other night while on the way home I spied an individual walking along one of the side streets near my house, which gets a lot of traffic who was listening to his mp3 player. I noted at the time that I thought the person was a moron and would eventually fail to hear a car coming at him.

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid people can be. I'm always afraid that I won't hear oncoming traffic when I'm listening to my ipods outside, so I turn down the music. Is personal safety enough of a risk to take for music? I don't think so.


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