Wednesday, April 11, 2007

This is what happens when I have less than 4 hours of sleep

Dear Good Charlotte.

I know we've had our differences in the past, you know when I gave your CD away to a friend for fear that I would go to hell for listening to you. Or the time I ripped your poster off my wall to be replaced by a Pink Floyd one. I was 15 and finally wizened up.

I know I've mocked you endlessly and that girls like cars and money song, but do you blame me?It was idiotic, and so was the video. But I left it at that and went along my merry way. You all embraced MTV stardom after being the theme writers to Undergrads and dating people like Hilary Duff and that Richie twig, and I moved on to obsessively loving Chris Cornell's solo stuff and figuring out who John Cale was. We had reached a happy medium, I was never to acknowledge your existence, and you would never try and make me. But last night I unfortunately got reminded of why you suck so very very much.

So yesterday my subscription to AP came in (Alternative Press for those not in the know. Usually a piece of crap, but once in awhile it has some gems. But that's not the issue at stake right now). In true Laura fashion I started reading it and not studying for the exam I had today. Wise I know. There was this article on the Madden Bros and Co., well really the Maddens, no one ever gives credence to the other guys. Any who, it's more or less them griping about how "fans" and critics slam them for changing their sound. Now normally I have no problem with a band changing their sound if it is part of their musical evolution. We cannot expect to sound the same on every album until infinity. However with their case, it fits.

I went to work after reading the article and decided to try their new album out while I was working. Every CD gets a fair chance, even if I don't particularly like the group. So I pop the music in the player and sit down to work. First few bars in and I'm thinking " Oh, this is the wrong CD, the plant must have pressed the wrong album. This sounds too much like the Killers", but alas that Madden voice started its unforgettable punk-rocky whine and my stomach started to churn. The album sucks as a whole, which apparently was the same opinion of AP last month. So maybe I'm not just a curmudgeon.

In conclusion of this informal letter, you Good Charlotte need to go away immediately. Pack your Louis Vuiton bags and amalgamate into the Sunset Strip.

Good day!



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