Friday, April 06, 2007

Dance Your Cares, Worries for Another Day

So I'm searching my brain trying to come up with something musical to talk about today, on this religious holiday of sorts. Not being Christian and all , today is merely a day in which I get paid to sit at home in my pyjamas and read, granted I had over a 100 pages of Religion and Food reading to catch up on for my 4000 word max final essay due on Wednesday, which subsequently I also have an exam that day. Fun? No not really. But today I actually got out and went to Stratford. Being a tourist town, some stores were open.

After buying hand-painted buddhas, and escargot plates for my father, I headed out to the antique mall (hang on, I will get to the music). This place can be like kryptonite for me because I'm a person of whim; I will buy something quirky. Last time I went I think I came back with some Star Wars Pez deal. I usually spend my time there trying on ridiculous hats and pawing through books and toys. Today I came across old Muppet toys and glasses. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm slightly obsessed about anything Jim Henson and offspring have come up with. After scooping up my find, having my father laugh at my impulsivity, and dropping my trove at the front desk to get back to hunting, I decided I was on a mission: to find Muppet LPs.

As a child of an Antique store afficianado, and currently living in a house dominated by antiques (don't get me started), I've learned the value of "antiqueing" (ten points to anyone who can name the show on which a character's girlfriend said " I'm not the sort of person for whom antiqueing is a verb"), especially for classic music. I no longer have a turntable, so music finds in antique store have tended to lose their value as I don't listen to LPs anymore, but today I got back in force, granted now I was looking for Muppet albums.

Now I'm sorry to day that after my time flipping throughh Phyllis Diller and Patsy Cline albums today did not bring me my goal, I'm not yet deterred. I will find them. I will Ebay as a last resort, but the hunt is on. For now I will have to accept my 25th anniversary Muppet cd, though deep down I'll cry a little.

Completely pointless post completed.


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