Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Variety the Spice of life or just a key marketing tool?

Taking another one of my infamous "study breaks" to write. Irony in this is that I'm taking a break from writing an analysis of apocalyptic literature for a take-home exam I have. Ironic in that I am breaking to write even more. Counterproductive I'm sure, and I will undoubtedly take another actual break in which I will not write. That being said, at least I am posting again.

I have an issue I would like to raise: when artists release 2 or more different versions of the same album. Last night at work I was inputting stock, and I came across the recent Disturbed release "Ten Thousand Fists". This album comes in three different version. Regular one disc, special edition 2 disc w/ DVD, and Limited Edition McFarlane version. I have the latter which I procurred first week of release. I had to go to 5 different stores until I found a copy (unimpressed), and when I did the clerk looked confused at my excitement. What bothers me is that there has to be three different versions. Why 3? I personally find it disgusting that bands would agree to such levels of extortion on their fans. There are people who will in fact buy all three versions. My edition does not have the DVD included, so I am seriously compelled to buy the 2 disc version so I'm not missing out on anything, but what the hell do I need with 2 copies of the album? It pissed me off that Ihave the Limited Edition version and it does not come with extra disc, I mean I paid extra. Sure the packagind extra McFarlane graphics rocked, but I feel slightly cheated. It annoys me that they get me to do such foolish things in the name of fandom.

I have many albums in which there are more than 1 version of it available. I'm not talking about remastered versions (those don't count except with Pink Floyd and Dark Side of the Moon and their umpteen anniversary editions). I'm talking about Special 2 disc editions with DVD material you know you will only watch once. The Tour Edition of an Incubus Album I received as a gift but have seen the second disc, oh maybe once in the nearly 6 years I have owned it, or my Vinyl Packaging edition of Led Zeppelin 3. What we fans will do to show our un-dying love. I however will not travel the country in a VW bus not showering to show my devotion, I will however simply spend money. How capitalist of me.

I say we start a coalition against unnecesary CD versions. Enough is enough I say!

In other news the Knight Rider car is up for sale, but no claims of it talking or going 300mph. That is the deal breaker for me, that and I do not have a spare $150,000 american to blow on it. Besides there may be remnant Hasselholf STI's on it.

7th Heaven is finally cancelled for good. Life is as it should be. Stupid WB crap.

Listening to: Amos Lee: Supply and Demand
Reading: Lolita and 4th Ezra (bible... assignment)


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