Saturday, April 07, 2007

To prove their mousy worth, they'll overthrow the Earth

Short and sweet.

A little while ago as I was in the shower, getting clean for another day in musical retail fun land.As I was lathering up my hair with some menthol infused shampoo (tingly), a dime fell out of my hair. A dime! I thought that one of the balls to my industrial had come loose and fell out, but no. Don't ask me how it got there, I have no clue. I don't remember counting coin on my bed last night.

Now being one to not give up the most idiotic occurences, I have decided I am going to write a song about dimes falling from hair entitled: I may not have diamonds in my eyes, but I've got dimes in my hair. And by write a song, I mean I will just write the lyrics.

That is all.


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