Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't ask me no questions, and I won't tell you no lies

I'm somewhat swamped with end-of term clean up consisting of final papers, text analysis mayhem, plus some looming presentation. Add that to the mountain of reading I am accumulating and that equals one young woman who cannot efficiently music blog until the academic apocalypse known as "exam period" is over if I survive at all.

I'll try my best though.

Oh my condolences to Kanye West and the unfortunate passing of his mother. I may not be a fan of his, but such a loss is tragic to anyone regardless of their profession or music preferences.

To close off this entry here is a 30-second rant:

Would the world please stop caring about Perez Hilton. I'm sorry but pudgy and unnecessarily mean queens are not that amusing. What about his obsessive love of celebrities is so endearing to you all? He is merely doing what TABLOIDS have been doing for decades, only he doesn't really do the photographic work and just reports things actual paparazzos have discovered, and he makes it easier by placing them online. He's just glorified page six with more resentment and less class. I've seen clips of his "acting" and some part of me wonders if he is just a bitter fat man who bemoans the fact he has no redeeming skills whatsoever, outside editing celebrity photos with cock outlines and sperm droplets. Is our society that pathetic that we need to pander to his kind?

Bah. I'm going back to my atheist evolutionary biology, so much more rational.


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