It only masks the pain inside
Since this has to deal with a 'singer' this justifies this absolutely mediocre topic. Curse me if you will, but you know this makes me look good.
I'm not usually one to discuss celebrities and their personal lives, because I frankly don't give two shits either way. I know the world just never shuts up about celebrities, but for once I think this must be said: WHO THE FUCK CARES THAT THE BITCH WENT PSYCHO?
Seriously folks, what's the big deal? The kids were not with her at the time, she's 25 or so and frankly Spears can cut off her hair in a psychosis induced frenzy all she wants. I mean, I would not want K-Fed testing it for drugs either.
All these accusations about this being a sign of her being an unfit mother? Well hell every parent would be deemed unfit on some level if they had media watching their every move. I'm not defending the baby mamma's actions, because then I would be an irresponsible citizen and we cannot be having that now can we? But last I checked, what she does on her down time sans the little ones is really hard for us to judge, or rather it should be. Now if she had a dehabilitating drug habit that was clear in her daily interactions with the kids, then yes we'd have a right to judge, but if she's on a free night, who the bloody hell cares?
I for one applaud Spears for choosing an ugly wig. We all know she shaved the shit off, so there is no use hiding behind some Liz Taylor-approved head adornment. I think it is kind of cute, if I went crazy I would wear something wacky, because atleast that would be on par with my already bizarre behaviour. So kudos Britney, kudos indeed.
If Margot Kidder can overcome mental issues, then so can Spears. This too shall pass.

Seriously folks, what's the big deal? The kids were not with her at the time, she's 25 or so and frankly Spears can cut off her hair in a psychosis induced frenzy all she wants. I mean, I would not want K-Fed testing it for drugs either.
All these accusations about this being a sign of her being an unfit mother? Well hell every parent would be deemed unfit on some level if they had media watching their every move. I'm not defending the baby mamma's actions, because then I would be an irresponsible citizen and we cannot be having that now can we? But last I checked, what she does on her down time sans the little ones is really hard for us to judge, or rather it should be. Now if she had a dehabilitating drug habit that was clear in her daily interactions with the kids, then yes we'd have a right to judge, but if she's on a free night, who the bloody hell cares?
I for one applaud Spears for choosing an ugly wig. We all know she shaved the shit off, so there is no use hiding behind some Liz Taylor-approved head adornment. I think it is kind of cute, if I went crazy I would wear something wacky, because atleast that would be on par with my already bizarre behaviour. So kudos Britney, kudos indeed.
If Margot Kidder can overcome mental issues, then so can Spears. This too shall pass.