Monday, August 20, 2007

Double Double Toil and Trouble.

In the flurry of deadlines, screaming matches in the parking lot of Zehrs, textbook hunting, and my demolition of the final chapter in the Harry Potter saga (I was crying at the end), I've been away from my music for awhile I apologize. I'll be back again soon, real soon.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The pipes, the pipes are calling

These two boys are amazing!

Man that makes my tin whistle skills look like shit.

I'm not even joking about this.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Giving it all to you

Dear Arnold Lanni,

I want to thank you for making Canadian bands make decent music. Finger 11 and Our Lady peace were blessed to have you have as a producer back in their heyday. Admittedly their best work was done with you. Unfortunately in the name of mainstreaming they abandoned you. As a result they gave us this and this. Unacceptable really. I curse you Johnny K. Curse you I say!

Arnold, I have come to terms with the fact that you produced Simple Plan. I chock it up to you needing work, and as such I have forgiven you. You gave me this in my formative music years. For this, I thank you.

Please do an exorcism on Finger Eleven, as I fear they may be lost forever after this upcoming tour with Sum 41. While you're at it, just take out Avril Lavigne. It would be for the best.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

They all shy away. You Always listen to me

So generic southern rock blows my socks... well sometimes. Sitting here procrastinating on the article I have due to the editor in 3 days, all the while listening to 3 Doors Down; a residue of my high school music listening experience. A passable listen to me, and it keeps me away from the likes of the newest Finger 11 album.... god it is a piece of shit.

Someone please tell Brad Arnold to ditch the bullshit haircut, same goes for the rest of the band, minus Chris Henderson who really creeps me out every time I see him, regardless of the haircut.

On a side note, I think I'm going to strategically plan out my iPod nano play list for school as I'm not dragging the 30 gigger to campus. It'll be glorious I tells you. Glorious! With its Johnny Depp skin and everything.


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I can see by your eyes that you must be lying

Mel Torme.... the only white man who could scat. For this we salute you sir.

Rest in peace!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tears to mine eyes

Monday, August 06, 2007

You move the knife to show you are my cut

I'm sure I'm not the first, nor the last person to be shocked at what a person looks like after having listened to them. It is an honest error, and just goes to show how preconceived notions of sounds and appearance cloud our mental formations.

This still makes me wonder: Coheed and Cambria

Lead Singer: Big man with huge hair.
Sounds like: Just watch/listen to this.

I'm still in denial it is that man singing that way. Must see live to confirm. I still enjoy the music, but every time I pick up a music magazine and there is an interview with the band, I still secretly go " It can't be". Maybe I've be been spoiled my my teeny pop-punk years, but I still have trouble envisioning that voice with that body.

I wonder if this is how bemused or frightened the ladies were when they realized Liberace was gay. If so... damn.

Photo courtesy of


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Shock the Monkey

After listening to Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey" for an entire shift,(well not that song alone) it finally dawned on me as we were cashing out that Coal Chamber and Ozzy Osbourne covered this a few moons ago and that I still have it somewhere in the annals of my CD storage unit (I hope).*

I think someone should create a 6 degrees of separation in regards to songs. I would fail miserably, but I'm sure it would be a blast. Someone get back to me on this. Please?

*Edit: Apparently I sold it a few weeks after having not listened to it since I got it. Alas.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

I hope to go back there some day

Feeling musically challenged as of late. Needing something familiar to boost the tonal urges. But what?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Barnes and Barnes forever!

I seriously have no idea. Enjoy!

I'll get back to proper posting shortly