Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Death defied by will, like a drug that doesn't kill

Musically I have been amiss as of late, hence the lack of posting. My deepest regrets and all that junk.

So tonight I have been updating/charging one of my ipods. The 4g nano I got a couple years ago. The one with the Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean skin. I figured it was time that I put some new music on it. It has been quite a few months since I switched things up.

I'm fickle when it comes to listening to music, so my ipods generally have to have an extremely wide variety on them to be of any use to me. Even on random I find that from time to time I am almost unpleasable, so switching things up becomes a bit of a necessity. I have been sifting though my CDs to see what exactly it is I want to upload and carry with me, subject to the whim of anyone who would even dare to look at my track listing.

So I am sitting here debating in my head whether I want the live Mindless Self Indulgence album on the nano, or if I would prefer it to stay in the itunes. Then there is the Eagle Eye Cherry, which reminds me of high school and friendships long since gone. The nostalgia caused by my own finite playlist is something fierce. The question that now remains is whether I want these portable memories to be on call like this.

We'll see how it turns out.

Listening to: Rufus Wainwright: Hallelujan
Reading: Fathers and Sons
Watching: Futurama-Volume 4

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Im nothing special, in fact Im a bit of a bore

I'll get back to regular posting... soon. I promise.

In the meantime you can mock me for reverting to my junior high music mentality this evening. BSB forever. I was in love with Brian back then. Now that he's a gospel singer, not so much. Oh the saccharine crap they put out.

Does anyone else dislike the fact that itunes internet access is determined by IE? Seems like a conflict of interest. Poor Steve Jobs.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

If I could have one wish for 2009 (aside from ending world starvation), is that we could all shut up about Kanye West. Is it so much to ask? I get it... wunderkid, but not a kid with overpriced sweater vests and a mullet in the making.

This generation's Pink Floyd my ass.

There is some comfort that Soulja Boy is fading into obscurity as we speak.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

When one person uses it we call it religious. Another and it is being a bad role model

So I'm not here to promote or denounce drug use, but the recent discovery of Phelps' bong-capades has struck a bad chord with me. WHO THE HELL CARES? Honestly, he smoked up in the off-season. Last I checked THC was not conducive to breaking swimming records. All THC is really only conducive to eating an unlawful amount of Doritos.

What has really annoyed me in all of this is his apology. Part of it was him giving a stupid grievance of having disappointed people and having not lived up to the expected behaviour others have had of him. Who are we to dictate how he should behave? Are we disappointed when rock stars give up the stereotype of being drug addicts and boozehounds? I don't think so, though we often raise an eyebrow at the straight-edge. The only expectation I have of Phelps is that he enjoy himself without harming others. He has earned his off-season so bugger off folks. If it turns into an addiction then that is his cross to bear, not yours. What he did at a party months ago is inconsequential as it has not impacted the present, We are sensationalizing jack all and we should be ashamed.

If teenagers are going to smoke a bowl, take a hit from a bong, or roll a joint because they saw Phelps doing it, it is not his fault. We are too quick to assign blame to others for what our children do. Children aren't learning enough in school? We blame the education system rather than taking an active role in teaching them. Children become sexualized too early and we blame modern media, especially television rather than ensuring they remain innocent children for as long as possible. Maybe just maybe if parents would stand back and take an even-handed look at their own skills at raising children who aren't easily swayed by media and others we would have a much more stable society. But no, we choose to live vicariously through the accomplishments of others.

It was Phelps who won all those medals out there, not us. Let him be. Start teaching proper drug education at home and perhaps some day a picture of an athlete taking a bit from a bong won't be international news-fodder.