Monday, January 28, 2008

I'd give it all to you

Something wholly amusing in walking out of a main campus food court singing "If I could turn back time", followed by 4 hours of humming the milkshake song, even during class. Not that I ever recommend anyone ever actually do that though.

Utter genius. I need my own reality show, I really do.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Just walk on by, nothing to see here

So anyone close to me knows I've been a fan of Finger Eleven for nearly a decade now. Rainbow Butt Monkey era included. Anyone who knows me, also knows I'm at an impasse with the band as a whole. Why might you ask? Because the lead singer has become a severe alcoholic and the band has ceased to make original music. With their self-titled album my love started to wane. Perhaps it was my new found love of classic 60's and 70's rock, perhaps it was because Arnold Lanni was no longer producing, or perhaps because I went and saw them tour on that album, and well I was sick afterwards (I'm sure it had to do with the weed fumes and my general illness, but who knows). That album was good, but not F11 good.

Their release from about a year ago hurt me deeply. I cannot stress enough how much buying their CD and then hearing the resulting crap. I remember getting a sneak preview of their first single "Paralyzer" and I nearly started to cry because it was that bad. I bought the album because I wanted to support my boys, and well I have regretted it ever since. However today.... today marked a day in infamy; I lost all respect for the band. They allowed the Today Show to use the intro to Paralyzer on a segment called " Today's Woman" and the segment I watched had to do with getting a flawless makeup job in less than 5 minutes.

Pass the bronzer.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tell me how does it feel, to treat me like you do?

There is no justice in the world when Annie Lennox gets dropped from her record label. Those American Idol halfwits, now I understand that, but the woman who brought us " Sweet Dreams are Made of These?", well that is just down right criminal. And somehow Axle Rose still has a deal.... WTF?


In other news, I actually took out a book on Muslim Rap in America. Strictly for research purposes of course. Class and such. The things I do for grades....

Friday, January 11, 2008

If I Were Invisible

I've always had this deep desire to find a message in a bottle. I like little discoveries, especially music discoveries. Maybe it's the idea of getting a glimpse into a stranger's life, like reading a memoir. In the spirit of this connection I encourage every one out there to do this.

It's nothing fancy. It's not expensive. It gives us a chance at random expression and oblivious connection, and frankly who among us doesn't need something like this.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I've spent my day keeping personal bargains and reading over 500 pages of various assigned texts. Studying religion is one daunting task I must say. As a result I have nothing for you all today. C'est la guerre.

Bonne nuite!

Monday, January 07, 2008

What's so funny about peace love and understanding

I began my first day back at classes on a depressing note. After arriving at school at what I deem to be an ungodly hour to buy textbooks, I settled in for a 6-hour stretch beginning term reading (yes, I am painfully aware of how geeky that it, but in my world you need to be proactive with stuff or you fall miserably behind). As I whipped out my trusty Nano, it became heartbreakingly obvious that I had forgotten to charge the thing in my holiday fervour. Needless to say I had a rather disjointed day of reading until my first class started. I need my music to drown out the stupidity that is other students some day, much like the wanker who was sitting behind me trying to understand what the techie

Oh I have a rant a'coming so watch out! In the next few days likely.


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sorry for my absence

I've had one of those days in which at the end, I feel like grabbing onto something sharp and point-like and doing a downwards stabbing motion. It was like hell in my place of employ, and the weather had not set my mood up for a great day, neither did my impending return to classes tomorrow. We were swamped nearly the entire day, and I felt bad for my co-worker who was clearly not feeling well.

I hate the new year at my job. New year brings into my humble shop many of the following:
  1. People who have realized they spent infinitely more on holiday spending then they should have and are trying to compensate by selling their stuff to get money. These folks are often found calling us or coming into the store giving us sob stories about owing rent or some other expense. I have empathy, but at the same time it is not my fault you had poor financial planning skills. Your Ace of Base CD is not worth $10, no matter how much whining you employ. Sorry, that is just the way it is.
  2. Those who have made a new year's resolution to clean out closets, curios, boxes, shelves, etc. This is the Purging type, and I understand their plight, as I tend to be like them. They always come in with bags of stuff when I already have 4 purchases on the go.
  3. People with tons of crazy Christmas money and are going on buying sprees, asking for a boatload of items.
  4. People who are just plain angry and bitter after the holidays and are trying to drown their sorrows in media purchasing.
The last two I'm not necessarily opposed to because they provide a nice chunk of our sales in the retail doom that is January, but sometimes they just make days like today a bitch because I kept getting swept up into another purchase or the like.

First thing this morning as I'm alone in the store, this couple who I labeled White-Collar trailer trash (no visible trailer-qualities, but one you heard them talk and what they were selling, you just knew) came in to sell. As I was ringing in the purchase for this couple(whom were annoying me to no end), one of our younger regulars came in to pick up a couple of his orders. Now this would be nothing to write about, but this customer has dreadlocks, and has for quite awhile. The male part of the white trash couple turned around and saw this guy and started gushing, and going on about the dreads to the customer. At one point he just blurted out "Can I touch it?". Now I'm cool with people having curiosity, but something like this is akin to going up to a pregnant woman and asking to rub her stomach. It is just something you don't do! Needless to say, I was relieved when WTC left the store, but their arrival had set the stage for the rest of the day.

I'm still a bit tense, but I'm hoping the Rotting Christ I am now listening to will help.

Oh yeah Happy New Year and such all!
