Dear Customer who from here on in shall be named: Self-Important Asshole (
SIA) for short,
Do not come in my store and tell me, or any of the staff WHAT TO DO. Last I checked, I've been working here longer than you have been a customer, so learn something we in polite society refer to as "TACT". Is it really so hard of a thing to do? I was nothing but polite as you were in fact a
SIA then entire time I had to deal with you.
It was noted on your order that you did not want to be contacted, so I'm sorry you did not receive a call telling that your Robert
Mitchum collection could not in fact be ordered. I or another member of staff would have called to tell you such, but such note was an addendum to your order so we thought best not to call. I understand the frustration that goes along with this, but you in fact asked for it. Do not proceed to bitch and gripe about how things "should be done" in your delusional mind.
I will not apologize for the lack of concern I expressed when you firstly spoke rudely to me on the phone, and then proceeded to badger me in store. Your "I know it may not be your fault" was a poor attempt at feigning some sort polite dealings with staff, but all it served to do was to make me yearn to punch you as you proceeded to be a complete wanker. Continuing to belittle me, by suggesting you call the delivering store to see if it is in stock next time around in order to ensure you are kept abreast of the order was ludicrous. Not only are you blatantly insulting the staff, and me in particular, you are quickly making my "most detested customers" list, and no one ever comes off it.
My quiet meek manner in which I dealt with you was not an indication that I'm an idiot who has no clue how to do her job, but rather my way of preventing I don't lose my job for bludgeoning you with a stapler, or debit terminal. If you expected me to start gushing with apologies or compensation, you were sorely wrong. I am usually willing to make amends if we actually made a mistake, or royally screwed up. That happens, and I will do my best to make it right.While the "customer is always right" is a good model to work with when you are in the service industry, I'm a big supporter of "you get what you give" mode of behaving. If you've done nothing to hinder the situation, then you deserve my utmost ability to amend the error. However after I have sincerely apologized once, continuing to berate me really did nothing more than a) make you feel better about how miserable of a person you actually are b) further my ability to keep my cool on the job c) make me go into mental hibernation as you continue to be extremely rude to someone who is trying her best not to tell you to shove it, you in fact deserved nothing less than the minimum service I am required to give you,.
So in conclusion: I dislike
SIA and his like. They can all go and pierce themselves with rusty
bayonets for all I care.